silly dog中文什么意思

发音:   用"silly dog"造句
  • silly:    adj. (-lier; -lies ...
  • dog:    n. 1.犬,狗;猎犬;犬科动物。 ...
  • silly; silly-faced:    猴头猴脑
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  1. Where is that silly dog
  2. The silly dog went home hungry . he lost his bone and got nothing because he had been too greedy
  3. I appreciate a lot more since my injury : the ability to see the world ; to have a safe home and roof over my head ; to be cool in the heat of summer ; to have both my parents alive and in good health ; to laugh at my sweet , silly dogs ; and to be fortunate enough to share my life with someone who loves and cares for me


  1. sillver 什么意思
  2. silly 什么意思
  3. silly as a goose 什么意思
  4. silly billy 什么意思
  5. silly child is soon taught 什么意思
  6. silly foolish or not sensible 什么意思
  7. silly head and brain -- idiotic, crazy 什么意思
  8. silly ho 什么意思
  9. silly idea 什么意思
  10. silly kung fu family 什么意思


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